A charge for a 2nd DWI offense is a separate and distinct crime from a “first offense” DWI. Once an individual is charged with a 2nd DWI, they are considered repeat offenders, and the stakes are raised. As far as criminal penalties following a conviction, there’s a mandatory jail sentence that’s usually less than 30 days.
If you’re facing conviction or intend to plead guilty, but it threatens your ability to maintain your career, Attorney Christian Capitaine can petition the court to allow you to serve your sentence on weekends.
If you’re in need of legal representation, whether you intend to enter a guilty or innocent plea, Attorney Christian Capitaine can help you. To contact Attorney Christian Capitaine, send a message using the contact form or call us today at 832-618-7831.
Penalties for 2nd DWI Convictions
Criminal penalties for persons convicted for Driving While Intoxicated a second time will require some jail time.
If you elect not to fight the charge and are convicted in the court of law, penalties are more significant than in 1st DWI First Offense cases. The potential fine rises to a maximum of 4,000.00, and the potential jail term increases to a period that lasts from 30 days to 1 year. There’s also Texas Drivers License Suspension, which can last anywhere from 180 days to 2 years.
The above illustrates potential sentencing that may come to bear in the worst case. However, by working with attorney Christian Capitaine or an equally experienced DWI defense lawyer in Houston on your DWI cases, the worst can be avoided, and the best possible results for your personal situation can be pursued.
Probation For 2nd Offense DWI Convictions
Community Supervision, also referred to as Probation, remains a possibility on 2nd DWI convictions. The defendant will likely have to serve a 2-year probationary term.

Although Community Supervision/Probation is a way to avoid serving a full jail term, there may be a requirement to serve, at least, some jail time, but it’s usually limited to 30 days or less.
Another common requirement of Community Supervision is participation in community service activities to the tune of anywhere from 70 – 200 hours. That’s in addition to having a breathalyzer/deep-lung type device installed in your vehicle. This device is connected to the ignition to prevent your vehicle from operating if alcohol is detected on your breath.
If the device detects alcohol, the court may be notified of your attempt to driving while intoxicated. Should this occur, it will create new challenges for your situation in the form of additional jail time and probation revocation.
Need Helping Fighting a 2nd DWI Conviction in Texas?
Call Texas DWI Lawyer Christian Capitaine Today
For more information, or if you’re facing prosecution for a Second Offense DWI in Texas, contact Houston DWI lawyer Christian Capitaine at 832-618-7831. Our office has extensive experience defending individuals accused of drunk driving and other serious offenses. Even if you don’t contact Attorney Christian Capitaine for help with your case, be sure to contact an equally qualified attorney for help.